Website Pricing Clients Provided Support by the Owner:
Behavioral Health Systems—     Birmingham, AL BuyOwner.com—     Deer Park, FL Bradley, Arrant, Rose and White—     Birmingham, AL Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant—     AL EBSCO Industries—     Birmingham, AL Elster Corporation—     Raleigh, NC Hazelwood Nursery—     Pell City, AL Kodak/Qualex—     Durham, NC Stupp Corporation—     Baton Rouge, LA Global Trash—     Mannheim, Germany; Ragland, AL     Orlando, FL     Jiangmen, China Home Shopping Network, St. Petersburg, FL Iron Data—     Mobile, AL Lockheed Martin—     Lakeland, FL Moore-Handley—     Pelham, AL Petersburg Holding—     Ft. Lauderdale, FL NCCIM/Redstone Arsenal—     Huntsville, AL Optimum Outcomes—     Birmingham, AL Stray Dog’s Hash House Diner—     Mobile, AL Success Products—     Hoover, AL U. S. Army —     Okinawa     Germany     Alabama YMCA—     Birmingham, AL
Website Provider
Few businesses can succeed or even continue to be successful in today’s environment without a good, robust and dynamic website presence and email service on your own domain. Yes, you can slap up some pages using handy tools on a commercial website provider to create a presence, but can your website do anything for you? Does it look professional, or just a cookie cutter version seen everywhere.
Here are some functions that must be present for a successful business website:
• Good Design - Your site should be easily navigated by customers or clients. If you cannot catch the attention of the average person browsing your page in the first few seconds, they will immediate move on to another page.
• Security - There are literally thousands of spammers and hackers out there who want to manipulate your website on a whim or for their own needs. You need to be concerned with spam spider, SQL insertion and other techniques used by these scourges of the internet to ruin your site or steal your data.
• Database Support – This is what separates a real business website with valuable functionality from those that can literally do little for you. Yes, you can get a commercially provided site to do an email form and email you the data you need, but without your own database that you can manipulate for good customer or client contact, you are stuck with a lot of manual work. Let the website do all the work for you.
This is where Global Publications and Software Website Provider comes to your rescue. GP&S can build you a well-designed website with full functionality and security as your needs require.
Website Development
GP&S specializes in building versatile and easily maintained ASP.net websites with the option of real database support using SQL Server. GP&S uses professional development tools such as VB.Net on ASP.Net with client-side java scripting as needed.
GP&S provides you with full-service internet solutions on leased servers where you do not have to do anything at all. We also can provide you domain services as well as other tools for your website such as data encryption and signed certificates.
GP&S then creates formed based tools and an optional database management system on SQL Server that allows you to change website content, data and even the appearance as required. You will not be required to know any HTML, website languages or database manipulation languages to keep your site robust and changing to your future needs.
Let us take care of your website needs and you won’t be sorry!
GP&S is a proud sponsor of… McDowell Bible College Certificates & Degrees in Ministry, Worship Leader, Biblical Studies, Religion, Church Administration & Church Media and Programming A Non-Profit International Christian College